Saturday, August 31, 2019
History of New York City Essay
When one thinks of New York City, the image the commonly comes to mind is prosperity and wealth. Considering that New York is the financial and media capital of the world, it is no wonder that it has such an image. However, such prosperity was not always the case and a comprehensive public works system was required in order to save the city from economic devastation. Prior to the Great Depression, New York City was controlled by the corrupt political machine Tammany Hall. With the advent of the Great Depression, new York Cityââ¬â¢s population exploded. Unfortunately, the economy of New York City was negatively affected in the same manner that the rest of the nation and extreme change was required. As such, Tammany Hall was finally ââ¬Ëthrown out of officeââ¬â¢ and the Mayor Fiorella La Guardia was elected. In order to deal with the problem of economic chaos, La Guardia opted to institute a number of public works programs in order to reverse the negative spiral the city was caught. With many major American cities collapsing under the financial strain caused by the Great Depression, President Franklin D. Roosevelt provided a significant volume of federal funds to cities in order to aid the economic re-development of the cities. La Guardia jumped on the opportunity for federal funds and used those federal funds to stimulate a number of jobs for the unemployed. This greatly saved New York City from financial collapse and, ultimately, made Fiorella La Guardia and icon in New York Cityââ¬â¢s history. Additionally, La Guardia used public works money to develop a system of public housing and urban renewal. Since much of New York City was poor, many of the neighborhoods had devolved into slums. The aggressive urban renewal campaign was somewhat successful, but not as successful as the job stimulation program that La Guardia instituted. Of course, there will always be negatives on the flipside of any positive venture. With a great deal of public, federal money coming into the city, many individuals became overly reliant upon the federal government for prosperity. When the federal government reached its limits in terms of what it could provide, the prosperity of segments of the population stagnated. This ultimately led to a rollback of many of the public works policies during the 1990ââ¬â¢s Regardless of the success that the public works system may have had in the past, in order for progress to be made in any endeavor, one must move forward. There were a great number of factors that made the public works system a positive benefit for the city of New York from the New Deal era to the 1970s. This does not, however, mean that duplicating the past system would equate to a duplication of success. Sometimes, a radically different approach is required. Former Mayor Gulliani, for example, promoted a system of city governance that was far removed from the public works system of city maintenance and management and his system of governing is widely considered a success. Again, different time periods and factors will require different solutions to problems. No concept is so strong that it can last forever and thrive amidst radically changing social and political landscapes. As such, La Guardiaââ¬â¢s usage of Public Works money for the stimulation of the stagnant economy of New York was the right decision at the right time. While not perfect, it did serve its primary purpose: saving New York City from economic collapse.
Friday, August 30, 2019
Maternal Filicide And Mental Illness Health And Social Care Essay
The intent of this paper is to look into and place the common factors that influence maternal filicide, and its relationship to mental/psychological upsets within the culprits. Filicide has been defined as the knowing act of a parent/guardian killing her or his ain kid ( Putkonen, Amon, Almiron, Cederwall, Eronen, Klier, Kjelsberg, Weizmann-Henelius, 2009 ) . There are two subcategories that branch from filicide which include infanticide and neonaticide. Infanticide is best described as the slaying of a 1 ââ¬Ës ain kid that is younger than one twelvemonth. Whereas, neonaticide is the violent death of a kid that has been born non more than 24 hours earlier ( Putkonen, et Al, 2009 ) . Surprisingly, this act is non uncommon and has been reported to take topographic point all around the universe. Previous surveies have found that filicide has taken topographic point in 3rd universe states such as Bolivia in under developed communities ( Hilari, Condori, Dearden, 2009 ) , and besides i n states such as England, China and France ( McKee, 2006 ) . Although this act is practiced around the Earth, there is really small information and research recorded about the subject. Filicide is a really sensitive issue and is hard for most to hold an unfastened treatment about the topic. Past surveies include Putkonen et Al. ( 2009 ) , and their research on filicide in Austria and Finland. The intent of their survey was to analyze the common traits between filicide culprits and if these persons shared any psychological upsets. In order to carry on this survey the research workers had to garner all filicide instances that occur between 1995 and 2005. They examined factors such as motivation, method of offense, relationship between culprit and victim, and mental wellness intervention of the culprit. They besides took into history the poisoning of the executor during the filicide act. Other research in this country included the work by Kauppi, Kumpulainen, Vanamo, Merikanto, and Kar kola ( 2007 ) where 10 female parents that committed filicide were examine to see the relationship between filicide and maternal depression. In all instances, female parents showed marks of crossness, shouting for long periods of clip without cause or ground, weariness, anxiousness among other symptoms that are common in depression. The research workers did non interview the adult females nevertheless were able to look into the similarities that lead to the slaying and the common factors after the act was committed. These two research surveies were examined in Finland and Austria. Hilari, Condori, and Dearden ( 2009 ) , besides looked at parents that committed filicide nevertheless examined the pattern in Bolivia. They explored two communities within Bolivia and found that unlike the yesteryear to surveies the grounds for filicide were frequently due to biological defects of the kid or societal factors within the community. Their research looked at how the autochthonal people of Bol ivia justified the violent death of kids. Most frequently, the slaying of a kid went unnoticed as the kid life was taken within 24 hours of birth. Oberman andMeyer ( 2009 ) surveies the societal economic well being of adult females that have committed filicide. They interviewed adult females that have been convicted with the offense and found similarities in societal environment, household history, and instruction degree. Their research brings to illume a universe that is unknown to most other persons. The intent of their survey was to take the reader into the heads of these adult females and to see what the rational was when make up one's minding to perpetrate the act of filicide. Their findings revealed that most adult females that performed filicide are non making it out of hate for the kid ; instead it was due to confusion and a sense of non being able to supply for the kid. This paper intends to look into each article in farther item and determine if there are commonalties between the topics and their mental province, their socio-economic environment, educational degrees, and household history. This paper will besides propose other patterns and resources that can be attempted by adult females who find themselves in this type of state of affairs as all signifiers of filicide should be avoided. Obeman and Meyer ( 2009 ) wrote a book that discussed maternal filicide and different interviews that were made in prison on female parents who were convicted of this offense. The writers explained how most of these adult females felt uncomfortable and would non desire to discourse it in general. Obeman et Al. ââ¬Ës ( 2009 ) conducted face-to-face interviews at the Ohio State Reformatory. They explained how the givens ââ¬Ë that were made of these adult females slaying their kids were non ever accurate. Their options based on their societal and familial systems were really restricted and limited. The writers explained how most of these adult females expressed themselves as non holding a topographic point that should experience safe, when it was suppose to experience like place ( Obeman et al. , 2009 ) . Many common factors were attributed to these adult females such as ; fright, economic want, isolation and deficiency of fiscal support. The female parents normally indicated a de ficiency of instruction, emotion and really minimum medical support ( Obeman et al. , 2009 ) . Physical, mental, and emotional maltreatment were normally early symptoms that these persons experienced prior and after the filicide were committed. Obeman et Al. ââ¬Ës ( 2009 ) identified history of maltreatment in the household that factored these adult females ââ¬Ës behavior throughout their lives. The book explained how these adult females struggled against the odds of being good female parents to protect themselves and their kids. In add-on, the female parents normally fought back against the power of maltreatment they were sing with their spouse ( Obeman et al. , 2009 ) . Most of the clip, for some of these adult females they thought that giving up was safer so contending back. The writers identified some external support that came from caring others. This normally gave them a self-awareness of their ain strength ( Obeman et al. , 2009 ) . The female parents were normally isolated by fright of their ain spouse. Most of them were besides affected with mental unwellnesss ( Obeman et al. , 2009 ) . The book explains how the U.S justness system purely relies more on requital oppose to rehabilitation. In add-on, there appears to be more of a broad assortment of shelters for animate beings so there is for people ( Obeman et al. , 2009 ) . They explained how these adult females travel on a painful procedure to accept who they are, and what they have done. Many of the issues that the female parents faced was non cognizing where to happen aid, how to entree it, and whom to swear ( Obeman et al. , 2009 ) . Kauppi, Kumpulainen, Vanamo, Merikanto, Karkola ( 2008 ) besides conducted research on female parents that committed filicide. There were unable to interview the adult females in their survey nevertheless were able to recover informations on their mental wellness after kid birth, and household history which included opprobrious parents being surrounded in an alcoholic environment. They were besides able to obtain information on the kids that were murdered. Their survey provided information that indicated that none of the births were unwanted. When the babes were born, all showed good wellness and had no marks of upsets or malformations. It was stated that the motivation behind all filicide instances examined were non of selfish nature. Majority of the female parents believed that the universe was a bad topographic point and that it was non the topographic point for a kid to be raised. Six out of the 10 adult females in this survey tried to perpetrate self-destruction after slaying their kid. An of import factor that was discovered in this survey was that in most instances the individual responsible for the decease of the kid had a hard childhood with demanding parents and a deficiency of emotional support ( Kauppi et. Al, 2008 ) . The research workers of this survey besides found that more than 50 % of the adult females were abandoned by their ain female parents during their childhood. In the scrutiny stage, in four instances the femal e parents were diagnosed with some sort of depression such as ; postpartum depression, major depression and psychotic depression ( Kauppi et. Al, 2008 ) . Keeping in head, none of these adult females were convicted in the tribunal. In most instances, the female parents ne'er wanted to be left entirely with their babes as it would do symptoms to increase in badness. Other symptoms developed when the kid was left entirely with female parent which included but are non limited to hallucinations and anxiousness ( Kauppi, 2008 ) . Another book reappraisal written by Mckee ( 2006 ) , examined the gender differences within the filicide population. Statisticss showed that within the population forty seven per centum of female parents were the culprit and 50 three per centum of male parents committed the act of filicide. Mckee ( 2006 ) found that kids under 1 twelvemonth old were more vulnerable to filicide than kids over the age of one. In the United Kingdom, future research suggest about 10 to 20 maternal filicide instances will be committed annually ( Mckee, 2006 ) . The United States averages 256 filicide instances per twelvemonth. Reasons for this high sum of filicide instances in developed states include economic want, lower educational degrees and a deficiency of resources that guide and help immature female parents when faced with postpartum depression ( Oberman, Meyer, 2009 ) . Mckee`s ( 2006 ) book discusses prevalence rates and old research completed on maternal filicide. In add-on, hazard appraisals an d direction schemes are besides analysed for this peculiar country homicide. Mckee ( 2006 ) discovered five wide classs of maternal filicide. These classs include rejection, mental unwellness, unintended, antisocial, and revenge. By utilizing instance illustrations, Mckee explains his ââ¬Å" Maternal Filicide Risk Matrix ââ¬Å" . This explains the association of the mother`s unprotected cell and protective factors based on two dimensions. These dimensions are known as phase and sphere. This tool must include hazard intercession points for each phase of maternity and gestation. Unfortunately, the appraisal is non through empirical observation validated. The writer besides discusses different rules and their strengths and failing of the ââ¬Å" Maternal Filicide Risk Matrix ââ¬Å" . He besides argues the sum of abandoned kids who are ne'er found and job specifying the cause of decease may be the prevalence of female parent who kills. The last article in this reappraisal, written by Hilari, Condori, Dearden ( 2009 ) took a different attack to look into filicide instances. Their survey took topographic point in Bolivia where they examined the autochthonal people of two countries. The first country is Qaqachaka and had 38 communities participate in the survey. In the 2nd country is Ancoraimes which had 28 communities in the survey. The grounds why these countries were chosen are due to the surveillance systems that have been installed by the authorities to supervise the communities. The intent of their survey was to look into why households partake in filicide Acts of the Apostless. Unlike old literature examined in this reappraisal, the chief causes for filicide are due to biological and societal factors. Examples of biological factors include physical malformations and duplicate ship. In this civilization, when a female parent gives birth to male and female twins, it is seen as evil and is socially accepted to destruct both genders. As for the societal factors , the communities seldom excuse the liquidator ; nevertheless the life of the kid is taken within 24 hours after birth and is ne'er recorded. Often there is no disciplinary action as the slaying has gone unnoticed. Individual interviews and concentrate groups were besides utilized to derive informations. Findingss indicated that female filicide were higher in both countries, for illustration Qaqachaka had 14 deceases in entire, 13 in which were female. Qaqachaka besides recorded 20 times higher than neonatal mortality rate, compared to national rural norm. Some drawbacks to Hilari et Al. ( 2009 ) , research are that the communities surveillance under reported births as camera`s were non set up in individual`s places. Besides, information gathered from sources could hold been bias as many stated that they did non partake or witness the filicide instead heard about it through word of oral cavity. Discussion In most instances of filicide, in general frequently occur with immature adult females that come from a deprived childhood and low socio-economic position. Often these adult females lack the instruction to admit the effects of their actions. In most of these instances, there was a limited sum of resources and entree to seek aid. For female parents in these countries, there should be societal workers that are readily accessible to observe and mention early symptoms of postpartum depression and psychological/ behavioral upsets. Many of the restrictions that were common is these surveies were the deficiency of empirical grounds, and how many adult females did non desire to discourse the traumatic event. The fundss to convey psychologists and head-shrinkers into these lower income communities are unluckily non available. Weekly follow ups by the female parent ââ¬Ës household doctor would be a positive attack to placing certain behaviors that may take to temper upsets, which may ensue to filicidal Acts of the Apostless. Understanding each phase of the female parent ââ¬Ës gestation and parentage, these are the ideal stages to seek of import forms. To reason, this research has been reasonably new and different theories have been developed to better understand the rational of these murderous wrongdoers. Future research should obtain different methods and garner more information from past culprits to analyse and look into and develop proactive steps to forestall the act of maternal filicide.
Thursday, August 29, 2019
Contrasting and Critically Examining two views Essay
Contrasting and Critically Examining two views - Essay Example One major issue in this regard is the formulation of strategic alliances by Transnational Corporations. Transnational Corporations are the large organisations which operate in different countries and focus on local preferences and demands. These organisations formulate strategies according to the needs and requirements of the local region. It is important to establish at this point that these Transnational Corporations (TNCs) have become one of the most strong unit in the economic and political setup all over the globe. These Transnational Corporations (TNCs) have been coming up with different economic strategies in order to fulfil their objectives and goals. In this regard these organisations have formed different strategic alliances and have entered into different subcontracts, which in turn are allowing them to operate successfully in the international market (Kale, P, Singh, H, & Perlmutter, 2000). This phenomenon has given rise to one of the largest dilemma in the business secto r i.e. that either global market forces have resulted in the formulation of these strategic alliances or these subcontracts and strategic alliances are being used as a strategy by these organisation in order to get hold of more resources. According to one school of thought, these economic strategies of subcontracting and strategic alliances are because of different global market forces. Transnational Organisations (TNCs) are forced to use these strategies in order to respond to the changing economic, political, social, and technological forces in the international market. On the other hand, there is a second school of thought which is of the view that these economic strategies of subcontracting and strategic alliance are being used by the Transnational Organisations (TNCs) for their own benefits. These strategies facilitate the organisations in the process of gaining more control over the resources as compared to other small companies and communities and as a result controlling the overall international economy (Gereffi, Humphrey, Kaplinsky, & Sturgeon, 2001). In this paper an attempt has been made to compare and critically review these two views. For this purpose, views of both school of thoughts have been presented and investigated. Apart from this the basic idea of Transnational Corporations (TNCs) and the associated economic strategies have also been explained. This will help in the process of exploring and critically evaluating the two views about the increasing subcontracting and strategic alliances by different Transnational Corporations (TNCs). TRANSNATIONAL CORPORATIONS (TNCs): There have been considerable growth in the number of Multinational Organisations (MNCs) or Transnational Corporations (TNCs). This is mainly because of the increasing international trade and globalisation. Owing to increasing international demand, organisations expanded their operations and businesses in different countries. This not only resulted in benefiting these organisati ons by also contributed in the growth and development of overall global economy. With the passage of time, Transnational Corporations (TNCs) became one of the essential player in the international economy. These organisations with the aim of increasing profits and revenues have been keep on exploring and exploiting different areas and regions. Recently, Transnational Cor
Wednesday, August 28, 2019
System Security for Department of Human and Health Services Essay
System Security for Department of Human and Health Services - Essay Example The SSP works in accordance to the guidelines provided under the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) Special Publication 800-53 Rev 4 Guide for Assessing Security Controls in Federal Information Systems and Organizations, Building Effective Security Assessment Plans The purpose of this Cybersecurity profile is to provide an overview of the cybersecurity requirements for the HHS (Department of Human and Health Sciences) with a succinct description of how the management, operational, and technical controls in place and those planned for the future, meet NISTââ¬â¢s requirements. Security categorization defines categories of information systems in relation to impact loss. It involves the classification of information and information systems in accordance with the potential effect on an organization. The analysis also depends on the occurrence of events that might jeopardize the information and information systems required by the organization for the accomplishment of its mission, protection of its assets, fulfilment of its legal duties and protection of individuals. Security categorization is based on the vulnerability and threat information in evaluating an organizationââ¬â¢s risk. The HHS management evaluates systems and assigns a level (low, moderate, high) in relation to the risk to HSS in case of breach of security. The level depends on risks of confidentiality, integrity, and availability of information (Barker, 2004). It is the responsibility of HHS (System Owner) and its stakeholders to identify and establish the information system type. The security concern of HHS is to ensure that shared resources such as networks, communications and physical access within the whole general support system or major application are sufficiently protected. Therefore, it can be said that the information type held by HHS is mission-based (Barker, 2004). By virtue of the personal information of individuals held by HSS (HHS Cyber Security Program, 2014), the type of information system can be said to be Personally Identifiable Information.Ã
Tuesday, August 27, 2019
The Role of Lead Teacher Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words
The Role of Lead Teacher - Research Paper Example 11). The majority of contemporary schools functions under a continuous improvement model and is publicly measured by student achievement test results. The transformation of schools to function under more progressive models relies heavily on leveraging the expertise of the classroom teacher to extend beyond the traditional roles of individual classroom impact on students, and to include new roles in leading school reform efforts as part of a community of learners (Crowther et al, 2002). Faculty involvement in decision making, through administrators sharing their power with the teaching staff, is a way to create collaborative culture and promote student success, especially in traditionally failing schools (Papalewis and Fortune, 2002). Empowerment void of professional community is not enough to bring about needed changes in our schools. Empowerment has "proven insufficient to change teachers relationships to their work in many settings" (Louis and Kruse, 1995, p. 13). Many teachers have leadership qualities that have not yet been recognized but may be a key to transforming schools and communities (Crowther et al., 2002). Documenting the perceptions and experiences of lead teachers who are involved as agents of change can reveal insights about the nature of teacher leadership, the roles that lead teachers assume, and the impact of their involvement in educational change. Careful and critical examination of teacher leadership is important since it is perceived as bein g critical to so many current school reform initiatives (Miller, et al., 2000). PURPOSE OF THE STUDY Buckner and McDowelle (2000) reported that teachers are in a unique position to influence school reform efforts, however "teacher leadership is a concept that often lacks clear definition" (p. 35). As teachers play a greater role in the changes schools make, there is a need to better define and describe the concept of lead teacher and teacher leadership (Miller et al., 2000). Katzenmeyer and Moller (2001) stated, "teacher leadership is essential for the level of complex change schools face. In order to advance these roles for teachers, it is necessary for proponents to be clear about what teacher leadership looks like" (p. 4). Various reform efforts in modern education have recognized teachers' professional development as central to the reform efforts and have called for new ways of organizing and supporting teacher work. Providing insight into the role of lead teachers as participants in a distributed leadership model by documenting their perceptions, describing implementation activities, and identifying and analyzing the impact of their roles in modern education will help to understand the perspectives of contemporary education and learning. This deeper understanding is needed to help guide reform efforts and provide for a more enlightened conversation regarding teacher leadership so that administrators can 'identify, develop, and support lead teachers in their schools" (Buckner & McDowelle, 2000, p. 36). Therefore, this paper aims to investigate the effect of the lead teacher in changing and improving school management, learners' performance and teaching practices. LITERATURE REVIEW In the current literature the term "lead teacher" (or "teacher leader") is ill defined. It is used to discuss teachers who unofficially engage in a leadership role in activities that
Monday, August 26, 2019
Lesson Plan Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3500 words
Lesson Plan - Essay Example This article will be referred to in the context of presenting information to students and organizing the lesson plans. Specifically, the lessons are divided into several levels, which include recall, guided discussions, memory, critical thinking and reflection. The ability to combine these levels of learning is one that relates specifically to the statements and examination of this article as well as how teachers must approach learning in the classroom. At a specific level, there is a different role for management and implementation of different levels of critical thinking as well as an overall examination of how the overall curriculum should be both engaging while providing several levels of learning skills for students so they continue to be engaged in literacy and reading. The result will be the ability to impact students at both a basic and dimensional level, specifically with a focus on literacy and reading as well as critical thinking. Bull, G., & Anstey, M. (2003). Strategies for practicing multiliteracies. In G. Bull and M. Anstey (Eds.) The Literacy Lexicon 2nd ed., pp. 161-180. Sydney: Pearson Education Australia. (page 125 - 143 from Pedagogies in Practice) The concept of using multiliteracies will be highlighted in this article. The focus is to understand how literacy and reading doesnââ¬â¢t provide only a strong basis for reading and literature. More importantly, cognitive levels of responses, learning and evaluation will be understood through this specific article.
Sunday, August 25, 2019
Military Governments and Human Rights in the 20th Century Latin Essay
Military Governments and Human Rights in the 20th Century Latin America - Essay Example s in a story however though the lighter part of it have always been over-shadowed by the number of deaths and traumatic experiences these struggle for power and supremacy have brought at all corners of the world people are living in. It is painful enough to know that there are innocent people being killed however it is more painful to know that there are families being torn apart and family members killing each other in the process. In Paul Dix and Pamela Fitzpatrickââ¬â¢s book, the characters were real people. They were real victims this is unlike other literary pieces where the characters are just based on what happened to real people. Here, one can actually feel the pain and anguish the victims and their families felt during the war in Nicaragua. Families lost a member or two while other victims lost their limbs. Though the pictures were in black and white, the message they conveyed were in high definition and in full color. This is the difference of this book compared to other war inspired books. No words were needed to express the pain and suffering of those people who got caught in the middle of conflicting parties. Children should have been playing with toys, having fun laughing and smiling unlike those in the pictures where they are crying and running away for safety (NicaraguaPhotoTestimony.Org). During the year 1985, an Argentine film was produced to mirror how the war is breaking up friendships and families. There can also be a hint of losing oneââ¬â¢s self-identity during the process. This film was Luis Puenzoââ¬â¢s The Official Story. This was the story about families, families torn apart by the war and a family that became complete because of the loss of others. The main female protagonist in this film was Alicia, who did not have a biological child with her husband Roberto and eventually adopted Gaby. It was Aliciaââ¬â¢s curiosity that brought up the issue of Gabyââ¬â¢s biological parents. For someone who took care of a child and gave her a name and a home,
Saturday, August 24, 2019
Use of batteries as power sources Research Paper
Use of batteries as power sources - Research Paper Example The requirements for these batteries comprise high release rates, low insertion loss from components in series by means of the cells, high-precision measurements, superfluous security protection, and no upset by means of incredibly high ESD transients.If we analyzed then we come to know that Battery-pack requirements have gone through a main evolution in the history several years, and today's designs have considerable electronic content.Moreover, practically all Li-ion protector circuits for one- and two-cell applications have protector FETs in the low (unenthusiastic) surface of the battery. Plus key issues exacting to a low-side Li-ion protector circuit are converse. The transients shaped when the Li-ion protector opens throughout a brief short or when the battery is unplugged even as beneath load may exceed the voltage rating of semiconductors in the battery set. This theme describes a number of plan issues and suggests solutions to make your mind up or get better them. Resolution of these subjects requires attention to together the circuit design and the printed circuit board (PCB) explain.If we analyzed the Fig. 1 then we come to know that it is a block drawing of circuitry in a typical Li-ion battery set. It demonstrates an instance of a security protection circuit for the Li-ion cells and a gas gauge (capacity measuring device). The security circuitry includes a Li-ion protector that controls back-to-back FET switches. No doubt, these switches can be opened to defend the pack next to fault conditions such as in excess of voltage, beneath voltage, and over current. If we analyzed then we come to know that the figure also comprise a temperature responsive three-terminal fuse that will open due to long-drawn-out over present or over temperature, or it can be forced to open by superfluous protection circuitry in case there is a responsibility where the main protection circuitry fails to respond. As opening this fuse is a previous resort, as it will render the pack enduringly disabled. The gas-gauge circuitry events the charge and discharge present by measuring the voltage crossways a low-value sense resistor with low-offset dimension circuitry. Furthermore, the present measurement is incorporated to decide the alter in coulometric ability. In adding up, the gauge measures temperature plus voltage, assess gas-gauging algorithms to decide the obtainable capacity in the battery, and computes time-to-empty and additional values necessary by the host. The available capacity as well as additional measurements and computational outcome are communicated to the host over a sequential communication line. A diagram indication of obtainable ability can be displayed by the LEDs when make active by a push-button switch. Fig. 1. Block diagram of circuitry in a typical Li-ion battery pack. OPTIMIZING THE DESIGN FOR MEASUREMENT PRECISION Let's take a look upon measurement precision requires a precise measurement data gaining system and measurement sensor and also need a cautious board layout. Moreover, if the designer does not pay notice to all these items, the ensuing system performance may not transport the expected results. The sense resistor and how it is linked to the data gaining system are dangerous design decisions. The intelligence resistor may see changes in temperature that are much bigger than the ambient difference of the battery pack due to power debauchery in the resistor. Use of a low-temperature coefficient resistor will get better obtainable capacity and current-measurement precision. The effectual sense confrontation seen by the dimension circuitry may depend on how the printed circuit board (PCB) etch is linked to the sense resistor. If the intelligence re
Cuban Missle Crisis Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Cuban Missle Crisis - Essay Example The role of Khrushchev in the Cuban Missile Crisis provides insights to the success or failures of him as a leader of the Soviet Union. However a lot of research on his role in the event has focused primarily on explaining the reasons of his decisions to place the missiles in Cuba. Taubman, points out that placing of the missiles in Cuba are viewed by Khrushchev as a cure for the entire world thus alleviating the domestic troubles and showing to his colleagues that he was a worthy leader. Khrushchev in his memoirs explains his decision of placing the missile and crisis as; ââ¬Å"We shipped our weapons to Cuba precisely for the prevention of aggression against her! That is why the Soviet government reaffirmed its agreement to the removal of the ballistic rockets from Cubaâ⬠(Khrushchev). The reasoning behind placing of the missiles as given by Khrushchev was logical and can be considered as a justifiable personal reaction. According to White, it was noted that Khrushchev as a pe rson was ââ¬Ëinnovative and conciliatory,ââ¬â¢ but also ââ¬Ëerratic and dangerousââ¬â¢ (White, Missiles in Cuba, Kennedy, Khrushchev, Castro and the 1962 Crisis), thus such decision coming from him can be attributed to his incongruous personality mix. However the decision of Khrushchev was in view of the Soviet Unionââ¬â¢s ââ¬Å"Caribbean Crisisâ⬠and in an attempt to counter the increasing global power of US and the hostile stance it had taken in Latin America. In the last month of year 1962, Khrushchev stated that he could see ââ¬Å"a possibility of defending the freedom-loving people of Cuba by stationing missiles there.â⬠(White, Missiles in Cuba, Kennedy, Khrushchev, Castro and the 1962 Crisis). For Khrushchev, Cuba was a ray of hope in the iron curtain, through which he could see the opportunity to bolster the image and power of Soviet Communism and to reject the Beijing accusation. Through this he had the opportunity to address the most critical iss ues concerning the Soviet Union, like: settlement over Berlin, military strategic parity with US and to attain communist prestige in the eyes of Beijing. Although the decision of Khrushchev for placing the missile can be seen as a serious tactical blunder, but his actions during the crisis along with response from Kennedy helped in preventing an atomic war. Although another medium could have been adopted by Khrushchev to strike a better deal for Soviet Union, however he deserves respect for risking his careers, setting aside his pride and withdrawing the missiles. Since the 1962, the unbroken state of Cuba is attributed to the Cuban-Soviet relations serve as a victory for the Soviet Union (Roeschley) Also, as a result of the Soviet-American pact on not invading Cuba was a success for the Soviet in securing victory for Latin American states thus protecting Cuba from another attack like that of the Bay of pigs. In his memoirs, Khrushchev recalls it as, ââ¬Å"if Cuba fell, other Latin American countries would reject us, claiming that for all our might the Soviet Union hadnââ¬â¢t been able to do anything for Cuba except to make empty protests to the United Nations, we had to think of some way of confronting America with
Friday, August 23, 2019
European law Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
European law - Essay Example The moot question that arises in William caseââ¬â¢s is whether the requirements spelt out by the Italian Government for import of his cheese into Italy could constitute a violation of Article 28 and therefore a restriction on imports? Their first requirement is (a) an inspection test to determine the listeria content of the cheese (b) a requirement that William change the label on his product. The meaning of quantitative restrictions was clearly stated in the case of Riseria Luigi Geddo v Ente Nazionale Risi1 in which it was stated that ââ¬Å"any measure which amounts to a total or partial restraint on imports, exports or goods in transit constitutes a quantitative restriction.â⬠For example, a quota system was held to be a restriction of trade in the case of Salgoil SpA v Italian Minister for Foreign Trade.2 Directive 70/50 must also be taken into consideration because it lists out all measures which are equivalent to quantitative restrictions, however in Williamââ¬â¢s case, there are certain existing EU Directives which member States are expected to comply with, which will also be relevant. The EU Directives which will apply in the case of William is Directive 92/46/EEC, which has held that listeria must be absent in 1 gm of hard cheese, however in soft cheese it must be absent in 25g samples taken from the product3. Also, the Directive 93/43/EEC is intended to ensure that all food products sold within the EU meet certain minimum health standards. Therefore, under this Directive, it may be noted that any requirements of the Italian Government on the inspections for listeria in the cheese will be only indistinctly applicable4, because it applies to cheeses produced within Italy and outside the country. Since manufacturers within Italy are also expected to comply with this requirement of inspection at their own cost, it is unlikely that that this will qualify as a measure that infringes Article
Thursday, August 22, 2019
Japanese Folk and Myth in Anime Essay Example for Free
Japanese Folk and Myth in Anime Essay In order to answer the above question, weââ¬â¢ll need to set a line between myth and folklore. According to the Merriam-Webster Dictionary, Myth is defined as ââ¬Å"a popular belief or tradition that has grown up around something or someone; especially: one embodying the ideals and institutions of a society or segment of a societyâ⬠. According to the same dictionary, folklore is defined as ââ¬Å"traditional customs, tales, sayings, dances, or art forms preserved among a peopleâ⬠and ââ¬Å"an often unsupported notion, story, or saying that is widely circulatedâ⬠. What does this say exactly? It basically explains that a myth is the idea of a society and that folklore is the medium for expressing the idea. Another notion that Iââ¬â¢d like to present is that myths, in general, are used to explain indescribable occurrences and supernatural events, like creation, animals, gods, rain, death, bugs, creatures, and everything else that goes bump in the night. Within most Japanese myths, there is a creature or being that unintentionally causes a major event or does some significant action, and the vast majority of Japanese mythology deals with a great deal of gods, goddesses, spirits, and creatures (so many that the list literally goes from A to Z). Branching off of myth, folklore tells the tales of people and creatures, and how they overcome or succumb to a crisis or conflict. Most of these tales are about how the world came into being, and why things are the way they are. Some are as complex as to why the sun rises and sets and why death happens, to demons that haunt bathrooms (Aka Manto and Akaname). A lot of the legends told in mythology are deeply rooted in nature and intricately describe the coming of the varying lands and elements; earth, wind, water, fire, and lightning. Some deal with customs and traditions, while others are about legendary animals and even specific locations like a cave or an island. As stated above, there are many different categories in Japanese myth and folklore: Creation, landscape, seasons, life and death, spirits, and other lesser categories like animals and traditions. The concept of the creation myth is very simple and is greatly represented within the anime series Naruto and Pokemon. Naruto As the reader may or may not know is that Naruto is an ongoing Japanese manga comic drawn and written by Masashi Kishimoto. This series has become widely known throughout Japan, and since its inception has quickly claimed number one on many official and unofficial charts. The story of Naruto tells the take of a young boy of the same name. He is a ninja of the ââ¬Å"Village Hidden in the Leavesâ⬠, also known as ââ¬Å"Konohgakure (KOH-NO-HAH-GAH-KUR-REH). Approximately twelve years prior to the beginning of the series, a Nine-Tailed Fox Spirit attacked the village. The Hokage (literally shadow of fire), person/leader revered for being the wisest and most powerful, sealed the demon inside a newborn child, Naruto Uzumaki. Because the demon destroyed the village and took many lives, many people shunned Naruto and treated him as if he were the demon fox itself. This, however, drove Naruto to become the Hokage in order to gain the respect of the village. During the series he gets stronger and trains with his friends/teammates Sakura Haruno, Sasuke Uchiha, and the team captain Kakashi Hatake, along with countless other strong ninja, such as Jiraiya and, Orochimaru (main antagonist). Character: Naruto Uzumaki ?As stated above Naruto Uzumaki is the main protagonist of the series and a very adept ninja. As a child he was shunned by almost everyone in his village, and treated with hate and distain. This caused him to misbehave and act out in order to get the attention he wanted. Because of the prejudice and isolation he suffered, Naruto began to yearn for attention and acknowledgement, he also strove to become the Hokage. Since he became a ninja, however, heââ¬â¢s had to prove himself time and time again, showing that despite being a troublemaker, he is also a devoted and kind hearted person. In addition, over time his reasons for gaining the title Hokage have changed; being from wanting attention to wanting to protect his friends, loved ones, and his home. At times he can be childish, having a chubby green frog shaped wallet named ââ¬Å"Gama-Chanâ⬠, being a picky eater, even mischievous, yet when someone or something is in danger he can become serious and will always help his friends, being loyal to a fault. Folklore: Naruto Uzumaki The first thing that Iââ¬â¢d like you to notice are the whisker marks on both of his cheeks. This is from the Nine-tailed Fox spirit that resides within him. The demon fox is known as Kurama, and he is a Kitsune. Within the world of Japanese Myth and folklore, the kitsune are a popular subject for Japanese stories. According to legend they are a powerful, intelligent, and ancient race with many magical abilities, such as shape shifting and utilizing their wisdom and superior intelligence to cause either misfortune or joy. The way that they relate to the anime Naruto is that, like Naruto, kitsune are known to be mischievous and playful, yet can also be loyal and very powerful, like the title character himself. They are portrayed, more often than not, as tricksters that play pranks for either entertainment or vengeance, and being either kind or malevolent. Similar to the character, once a kitsune is convinced to complete an action it will put all of its effort and focus on it, even if it costs it its life. Character: Sasuke Uchiha Contrary to his current persona, Sasuke was a very kind and cheerful child. This changed, however, when his entire clan, including his parents, were killed in a massacre by his older brother, Itachi, leaving the two as the only surviving clan members and instantly orphaned. Since then, heââ¬â¢s become very cynical and even sadistic. Even at the age of seven, Sasuke was extremely talented, mastering techniques many years ahead of his time. He later joined forces with his childhood rival, Naruto along with Sakura Haruno, and the team captain Kakashi Hatake. At first, he was indifferent and felt superiority over his teammates, but opens up over time, seeing them as family and friends. His main goal was to kill his brother for the murder of their entire clan, which entailed his defection from his village. Prior to this, though, he is attacked and inflicted with Orochimruââ¬â¢s ââ¬Å"Cursed Seal of Heavenâ⬠mark, giving him immense strength, and a reason to go after his brother. Three years pass since is defection and he has grown greatly, growing strong enough to defeat Orochimaru. Folklore: Sasuke Uchiha ?Before I begin I must say that this character in particular has a lot of allusions to Japanese myth and lore. In any well written story, the name is a key part of how the character may be perceived. This is true for many characters, but perhaps even more so for the character Sasuke. His name is derived from the character Sarutobi Sasuke, and when inspected the name can be broken up into saru (monkey) and tobi (jump). The famous shinobi (ninja) was known for his monkey like agility and acrobatic prowess. Even at a young age, Sasuke of Naruto was seen as a child prodigy, being skilled in weaponry and physically superior to his class mates. Artistââ¬â¢s rendition of imperial regalia An avid Naruto fan may also take notice of Sasukeââ¬â¢s ocular ability known as the Sharingan. The sharingan, also called the mirror wheel eye, is a genetic ability shared only by people within the Uchiha clan. The name itself and the symbols within it are allusions to the imperial regalia of Japan; the Yata Mirror, the sword known as Kusanagi, and the Magatama jewel. In myth the mirror was used to lure the sun goddess Amaterasu out of a cave, bringing sunlight back to the world, and represents the truth as it can only reflects what is truly in front of it. Upon closer inspection, one may notice that within the eye are up to three marks surrounding the pupil. The comma -like marks are known as Tomoe. The Tomoe represent a multitude of ideas and objects. The most prominent of them are that they represent the second of the imperial regalia, the Magatama jewel. Along with the mirror, the jewel was employed to lure Amaterasu out Tomoe highlighted in red f the cave where she hid. The jewels were also sacred gifts given to her by the god of jewels, Ame-no-Futodama-no-mikoto. The Tomoe also represents the war deity Hachiman. Ancient samurai would adorn their armor with this crest to bring good fortune on the battlefield. Susanoo Along with the mirror and the jewel, there is the Kusanagi Sword, or ââ¬Å"Grass Cutting Swordâ⬠(? ) In the story, Susanoo earns a sword from vanquishing an eight headed snake (Yamata-no-Orochimaru) and pulls it from its body. He then presents it to her to settle an old rivalry between them. The sword then was called ââ¬Å"Sword of Gathering Clouds of Heavenâ⬠, and it was in the possession of a skilled warrior, Yamato Takeru. In his battles he discovers that the sword is able to control the air in the direction in which it is cast. According to legend he was in tall grass field. An emperor then sent flaming arrows at him, trying to ignite the grass and burn him alive. In one foul swoop, Yamato cut down the entire field and sent the arrows back with the swords burst of air. In the anime, Sasuke wields a sword by the same name and it is able to ââ¬Å"cut airâ⬠, levitate the sword, and transmit the userââ¬â¢s ability to control lightning. Furthermore, the original sword that Sasuke wielded was taken from his former master Orochimaru, a ninja whoââ¬â¢s theme and transformation-or true self- was an eight headed snake. Aside from the mere appearance of the Sharingan, the ocular magnificence holds other powers. To understand this, we must go back and learn a little about Japanese Creation Myth. In the beginning there were two gods Izanami (first woman) and Izanagi (first man). They created the eight islands of Japan and brought fire to the world, but in doing so, Izanami lost her life while giving birth to the god of fire. Stricken with depression, Izanagi went into Yomi (Hell) to retrieve his beloved. In the darkness, he found Izanami. She told him not to look at her, whish confused him, but he agreed. He begged her to return with him, but she had already eaten the food of the underworld, and could no longer leave. She agreed, though, and told him that she needed to rest. After waiting for Izanami, Izanagi grew worried, so he ventured back into Yomi. He lit a torch this time and what he saw disgusted him; Izanamiââ¬â¢s once beautiful and elegant body was ruined by decay and foul creatures. He let out a cry and ran to the entrance to the world of the living. She sent creatures after him, but he managed to escape. She exclaimed that if he left, she would take 1,000 people every day, as he escaped he replied to create 1,500 people, thus starting the cycle of life and death. After escaping from Yomi, Izanagi wished to cleanse himself. He discarded his clothing, which formed gods, and went into the river. As he washed his face, three major gods were created; Amaterasu from the left eye, Tsukuyomi from the right eye, and Suasanoo from his nose. These three controlled the sun, moon, and sea and storms respectively. In the anime the Sharingan has many abilities, yet the most feared of them are the techniques Amaterasu: the Heavenly Illumination, Tsukuyomi: the moon reader, and Susanoo: Tempestuous God of Valor. The Sharingan allows the user to cast inextinguishable flames that never cease until its target is incinerated and are described as the flames of hell, burning as hot as the sun itself. Sasuke is able to summon these flames out of his left eye, and from his right is the illusionary weapon Tsukuyomi. This is the ability to trap an enemy in a dream, or rather nightmare, and torture them through their mind by controlling senses. Along with Amaterasu and Tsukuyomi, there is Susanoo a summoned warrior thatââ¬â¢s made of the userââ¬â¢s spiritual energy. The demon warrior is usually portrayed in cloth garments and wielding the sword of Kusanagi and the Yata mirror as a shield.
Wednesday, August 21, 2019
Intervention Methodology in Education
Intervention Methodology in Education Intervention methodology can be used in various educational streams. It can be used for mathematics, science or language study. One can find problem in learning new languages, mathematics, and science or in any other subjects. One can use Intervention methodology for teaching this stuff to one who cannot learn it easily. Teacher can apply this Intervention Methodology via various styles (Anon., n.d.). It can be applied by teacher via teacher directed interventions, scaffolded interventions, responsive interventions or by a combination of teacher directed interventions, scaffolded interventions and responsive interventions. Teacher directed interventions are those where teacher gives a title, problem to students, helps in constructing way to achieve goal, and gives a response to students directly. Responsive interventions are those where interventions are done upon requirement of students. In this type teacher helps the students to make strategies, gives solution of students questions via questioning only. In this style of intervention students makes their own plan and strategy to achieve goal. Students use reference texts or create analogies to learn topic. It is a responsive invention. If the communication between student and teacher gives a scaffolded response, invention method becomes scaffolded and responsive. Responsive intervention approach is an alternative approach to common other approaches. This approach can give better outcomes if tried logically. Teacher can collect interventions that help students to study deeply, can help students to fulfill their learning needs and also help students to give good performance. Students who learn via basic style where teacher teaches them directly are less skilled than who learns via responsive interventions. Responsive interventions (Anon., n.d.) helps the students to learn self planning, can help students to make subject more interesting. For responsive intervention, one cannot plan that how will he / she teach. One cannot use what him or her plan. One can use trigger to try intervention differently where he or she needed to give particular case and needs to try to get response for that scenario. Here one needs to be contiguous. How to plan for contingency? One can teach students in more interesting way than another one just via using perfect timing of what to ask? For a different one can use scaffolded interventions too. Use of both responsive intervention and scaffolded interventions. Interventions are also depends on some other criteria too like studentââ¬â¢s age and their pre-knowledge on topic and all. What is students average age? Some methods can be applicable for younger and some can applicable for older one only. For example, A primary schools student needs to be questioning differently than of student of higher secondary school. For deployment of intervention methods one need to set particular environment (Anon., n.d.). What includes in arranging the environment? It includes structural facilities like good classroom. Good physical environment to provide comfort to students. This environmental change helps student to relate with situation. Social environment (Anon., n.d.) also needs to set according to students. One can also use funny comments or joke to make environment light and can start or continue communication effectively. Playing activities also can be used by teachers to make study more lubricate and interesting. One can sing songs to make atmosphere light. Teacher is supposed use predictable routine and daily routine activities. For responsive intervention one need to follow studentsââ¬â¢ lead. Studentââ¬â¢s lead means in what student is interested, what he / she loves to do or on what topic he loves to talk. What is the need of following these leads? By following this, one can know where stude nt is interested and via this one can respond to student easily. Studentââ¬â¢s attention is a big thing in responsive intervention. Students are getting more interested in conversation when teacher follows their lead. One can use labeling and commenting for better outcomes. For commenting, first teacher is supposed to give specification and a particular label to each activity of student and then supposed to comment on that. The benefit of commenting is that student came to know that how well he / she performed. Student will give more responsive if teacher uses commenting and labeling technique. For building studentââ¬â¢s vocabulary via responsive intervention technique one can use imitating and expanding methods. Imitating and Expanding is a technique where teacher asks students to imitate his /he words or teacher imitates studentââ¬â¢s words. It will help students to pronounce words more clearly and will also help students to understanding the pronunciations of words. One can use open- ended questions to students. Open ended questions are like, ââ¬Å"Who are you?â⬠, ââ¬Å"Where are you?â⬠, ââ¬Å"What are you doing?â⬠, ââ¬Å"How are you doing?â⬠, ââ¬Å"What is this?â⬠, ââ¬Å"Where it is?â⬠and all. Students can give answers of these questions via one or two words too. So, it helps them to start communicating in new language. Teachers are also supposed to motivate students via praising their work, giving those rewards and via positive attitude. Positive attitude and motivation makes student feel more comfortable. Like if teacher poke student on back or praise his/ her work. So, student will pay more attention than before. One can motivate students via providing choices. Provide more than one activity to students. So that they can choose their favorite one and can enjoy it. Providing choices will encourage students to learn new things and to do communication continuously. It will help students to prefer topic, thing o n which he / she wants to communicate. How to provide choices? To provide choices one can use rotation methods. He / she can rotate activities / things within classroom so that with help of less resort he / she can create more choices. One can make gap of few minutes within routine tasks. It will allow students to communicate. Give them playful tasks to do in between. Give them group activities. One can uses these steps like ââ¬Å"Instructional Match (Anon., n.d.), Scaffolding Step-by-Step Strategies, Modeling Demonstration, and Performance Feedback, Opportunities to Drill Practice to Strengthen Fragile Skills, Student Talk-Through Activities, Periodic Review, and Progress Monitoring. Here instructional match is used to verify whether teachers are working at their best level and provide students more confidence and provide them success. Scaffolding is necessary for students to help in learning new things and become more advanced in that particular area. One can use many things to achieve it like giving fewer tasks to students. So that they can concentrate on that particular task / those particular tasks and masters in that task / s. One can divide students in groups so that they can share their knowledge and complete assignments. Step by step strategy: One can use / make strategies step by step for complex task so that task can be done simply and easily. Modeling: Demonstrations and models can help students to learn things easily. It helps students to understand and implement content easily and correctly. Performance review: Performance review is necessary after above tasks as performance review is only measurable thing where one can know who progressed how much? After getting new skills and after sharpening that skills student can work independently and try new things. He / She can try these new skills and can strengthen them via applying it and by practicing those new skills. He / She (student) can practice hard on those things where he / she is interested and become expert of that and meanwhile enjoys that too. Talk Through activities: After successfully completing learning task and sharpen those things by practicing teacher supposed to set up activities for students. Where teacher can ask students to do various talk through activities. Periodic review: After students excelled in particular things, particular skill teacher is supposed to put learning process on next level, where he / she (student) can masters it. Meanwhile teacher is supposed to review his / her progress. So that teacher can know that whether he / she is going in right direction or not? For teaching new language one can also use direct responsive intervention method. In this intervention method teacher is supposed to communicate / talk with students in new language only which they are supposed to learn. Via communicating formal things one can teach basic sentence to students in beginning. Like students were not aware of Italian Language. Students knows the name of the teacher. So, teacher can ask questions like my name is this, (Anon., n.d.)What is yours? ââ¬Å"Il mio nome à ¨ This. Che cosa à ¨ il vostro? (Anon., n.d.) ââ¬Å". Here students cannot understand all these sentence but knows This is teacherââ¬â¢s name. So they assume that he / she was trying to tell his / her name. In addition to this students can also understand that the tone of last sentence was like of question. So they guess that teacher were trying to ask his / her name. So they (students) can answer like My name is Ray (Il mio nome à ¨ Ray). One can also tell that Good morning in very begi nning of class like ââ¬Å"buongiornoâ⬠. Here students donââ¬â¢t know the meaning of it but can surely assume that he / she gave morning wish or good wish. And can respond via imitating it. One can ask students ââ¬Å"How are you? Via telling them ââ¬Å"come stai?â⬠. Here students wonââ¬â¢t understand what teacher is trying to ask but then teacher can answer himself / herself ââ¬Å"Io sto beneâ⬠. Students can understand little here or if they donââ¬â¢t. Teacher can use physical signs to teach them like pointing his / her hand toward black board and can say, ââ¬Å"Si tratta di una lavagnaâ⬠, (It is a blackboard). Here too students will not understand. But then teacher can try to point his / her finger on window and can say, ââ¬Å"ÃË una finestraâ⬠(it is a window), can point finger on door and can say, ââ¬Å"ÃË una portaâ⬠(it is a door). Here students can understand ââ¬Å"ÃË unaâ⬠means nothing but It is. Teacher can try few n ew simple sentences later on. Like How are you doing?, How are you? , What are you doing? What am I doing, What we are doing?, What she is doing?, What principal is doing? In Italian language. ââ¬Å"Come stai?, Come stai? , Che cosa stai facendo? Che cosa sto facendo, che cosa stiamo facendo?, Che cosa sta facendo?, Che cosa principale sta facendo?â⬠. Here students can understand few basic words and able to respond them. Teacher can tell ââ¬Å"bye bye , have agood day, see youâ⬠(bye bye avere una buona giornata) at the end of class.It is very interesting and quick learning technique. Here one who is teaches and one who is learning both can enjoy. Both can communicate with each other freely and both can feel comfortable after little time. Prospects of using this method is, it is quick, easy to implement and comfortable technique. In additon to this it technique can help the students to memorize words, sentences for long time, can help student in building vocabulary easi ly.The only disadvantage of this method is, in the starting phase students may get confused. Students may feel boarded or confused in early days as they donââ¬â¢t know much what was going. But a good teacher can overcome this problem via applying proper timing and gestures. So teachers and students all can enjoy study. Proper use of gestures and physical movement plays major part in success of this type of reference interventions. Teacher who use proper timing and gestures can use reference intervention more efficiently than who cannot use it. One can make subject more lucid and interesting with help of reference method. But if teacher donââ¬â¢t use it efficiently may be this reference intervention methodology wonââ¬â¢t work as it supposed to be. It is not methodologyââ¬â¢s failure but it is failure of particular teacher (Anon., n.d.). One can use Intervention methodology for language and other type of teaching too. For language teaching responsive intervention methodolo gy and scaffolded interventions are mainly used due to their above described features and prospects. One can use both responsive intervention methodology and scaffolded intervention methodology at once. Means one can use a combination of both intervention methodologies responsive and scaffolded. References: Works Cited Anon., n.d. [Online] Available at: Anon., n.d. [Online] Available at: Anon., n.d. [Online] Available at: Anon., n.d. [Online] Available at: Anon., n.d. [Online] Available at: Anon., n.d. [Online] Available at: Anon., n.d. [Online] Available at: Anon., n.d. [Online] Available at:
Tuesday, August 20, 2019
Increasing Healthcare Costs Becoming A Concern Economics Essay
Increasing Healthcare Costs Becoming A Concern Economics Essay Rising health care costs has become a concern for many nations, societies and even individuals. The ability to cope with this issue and its implications will be greatly looked into in this report. In order to understand how to tackle this challenge, there is a need to first understand the root causes, in other words, what causes health care costs to rise. After having looked at some of the common beliefs of rising health care costs, the report will then look at the strategies implemented to tackle this challenge. To do so, the report will make use of a few journal articles to critically discuss on the effectiveness of Singapores healthcare financing system and recommend measures that will help solve the issue better. Literature Review A very common and simple reason that people give for the increase in healthcare costs often fall on the fact of aging population and the increased vulnerability of the population to health issues, leading to more medical consultations, both inpatient and outpatient. This in turn, causing healthcare costs to rise. Another common reason that many people give for the increase in healthcare costs is inflation. Inflation causes the prices of goods and services to rise. When such happens, the costs of health care will rise because the salary of the workforce employed in the healthcare industry increases, the costs of medication increases and the costs of health insurance increases, for example. (Cockerham, 2010) The Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development noted a significant increase of average ratio of health spending to GDP in its 31 member countries. The report also suggested that while technological advancement brought about improvement in diagnosis and treatment, this also contributed to the increasing of health spending (OECD Health Data 2010, 2010). In another report, rising health care costs was attributed to greater use of innovative medical technologies. However, the report suggested that rising health care costs could also be due to the market power of health care providers. In the report, however, it seemed to suggest that the extent of the increase in rising health care costs in developed countries like the United States in terms of the market power of health care providers are more significant than that in developing countries. (Annals of Internal Medicine, 2005) It is undeniable that no country is able to guarantee accessible healthcare for all. However, the situation in low-income countries is far more critical as some are even unable to ensure access to basic healthcare for its citizens. A few options proposed to tackle this issue include governments increasing their budget allocations on health expenditure, raising additional domestic funds for health or diversifying their funding sources (World Health Organization, 2011). Another interesting cause highlighted for the increase in rising health care costs could be due to our social behaviour in terms of financial prudence when a third party pays our medical bills. It is interesting to note that when our medical bills payment falls on the responsibilities of a third party (i.e. employer, insurance company or government) and we only pay a small and affordable percentage, we are more likely to seek medical consultation, diagnosis and treatment even for the slightest illness. A case study on Singapore health care financing system is done to discuss on how these considerations are managed and how it may be further improved. Case study: Singapore health care system financing According to one of the research studies, Singapores ageing population which is estimated to increase by 12% in 2030 to 19% of its population being made up of older Singaporeans aged 65 and above. This is of a concern in ensuring provision of affordable healthcare especially where responsibility of the healthcare bill often falls on the children of this segment of the society. Singapores health care system focuses on developing independence and interdependence of its people on the nation. In order not to create total reliance and dependence on the nation, Singapores health care system begins with building a healthy population through preventive healthcare programmes and promoting a healthy lifestyle (Ministry of Health, Singapore, 2007). Singapores health care system then ensures affordability of healthcare to its people through offering universal coverage and multiple layers of protection. In this strategy, this is done through (1) heavy government subsidies of up to 80% of the total bill in acute public hospital wards, which all Singaporeans can access, (2) , a compulsory individual medical savings account scheme which allows practically all Singaporeans to pay for their share of medical treatment without financial difficulty, (3) Medishield, a low cost catastrophic medical insurance scheme, which allows Singaporeans to effectively risk-pool the financial risks of major illnesses. Individual responsibility for ones healthcare needs is promoted through the features of deductibles and co-payment in Medishield. Eldershield, a severe disability insurance, is also available for subscription by Singaporeans to risk-pool against financial risks of suffering a severe disability. and (4) Medifund, which is a medical endowme nt fund set up by the Government to act as the ultimate safety net for needy Singaporeans who cannot afford to pay their medical bills despite heavy subsidies, Medisave and Medishield (Ministry of Health, Singapore, 2007). To promote competition and transparency so as to counter further unwarranted rise in healthcare costs, in 2004, the Ministry of Health began to publish hospital bill sizesà to show the variation in costs among our hospitals, with a view to push our hospitals on this effort to do more with less.à There have been some successes since then in spurring improvements, e.g. LASIK prices dropped by more than S$1,000 per eye and the competitive price wars continue to this day, at great benefit to consumers. The Ministry has also progressively published health outcomes on the website to encourage further improvements and help patients make more informed choices. Singapores success was further supported by its statistics on government spending in 2008, when Singapore spent about S$ 10.2 billion or 3.9% of GDP on healthcare. Out of this the Government expended S$2.7 billion or 1.0% of GDP on health services (Ministry of Health, Singapore, 2007). Discussion: Effectiveness of Singapores strategies in managing rising health care costs Singapores focus on the ideology that prevention is better than cure helps managing rising health care costs by encouraging its population to reduce the need of seeking medical attention and thus reducing substantially incurring of such expenditure. Its preventive healthcare programmes such as free or subsidized community health screening programmes and activities aimed at promoting active living and healthy lifestyle makes being healthy a simple way of life which is possible to achieve. Moreover, this ideology will continue to tackle the lasting problem of aging population and the increased vulnerability of the population to health issues, which is said to be a cause for rising health care costs. With stressors of a fast-paced meritocratic society such as stress at school at a very young age, stress of work upon working life and the stress of supporting and maintaining a family, this often causes one to become sick and have to turn to medical attention for relief. As such, Singapore would need to consider strategies on how to tackle such non-health issues that may lead to healthcare expenditure, in order to further assist its population to manage rising health care costs. Next, having discussed the preventive strategy taken by Singapore, the Medisave and Medifund benefits would be discussed. It is important to first understand that only Singapore Citizens and Singapore Permanent Residents contributing to the Central Provident Fund (CPF) as well as his dependents (i.e. spouse, children, parents and grandparents) would be able to benefit from the Medisave. In addition to subsidizing healthcare expenditure, the Medisave can also be used to pay the premiums of MediShield, which covers up to 80% of a large medical bill at the class B2/C level or any appropriate integrated shield plans from approved private insurers (Ministry of Health, Singapore, 2007). This allows the individual and his dependents who are subscribed to the MediShield or the integrated shield plans to have the most, if not all, of the inpatient and outpatient healthcare expenses, including co-insurance and deductible to be taken care and omits the individuals stress of having the need to seek sufficient cash funding for such a purpose. This in turn, helps to minimise the social stressor of healthcare need. While this may prove to be helpful to its population, it is important to note that as the benefits is still fairly limited. Compared to its entire population being able to benefit from such initiatives, there is a burden created on the CPF-contributing individual to look after both his personal and dependents healthcare needs and expenditure, using the Medisave. Should the CPF-contributing individual be the sole breadwinner of the household, this would inevitably create further psychosocial stressor on him which may pose potentially cause health deterioration and create unwarranted expenditure on healthcare needs. Therefore, Singapore would need to relook into providing healthcare financial subsidies to its population who are do not contribute to the CPF, in order for its approach to manage rising healthcare costs to be effective and complete. On top of the Medisave, the Medifund scheme exists to help ensure needy Singapore citizens who are unable to pay for their medical bills, are still provided with the necessary medical care. In order to benefit from the Medifund, a list of basic requirements needs to be met, such as the patient and his family having difficulty affording the medical bill despite heavy government subsidies, MediShield and Medisave (Ministry of Health, Singapore, 2007). While the Medifund scheme shows the government great concern and active efforts to ensuring medical care is catered to the needy of its population, the initiative is still not wholesome and thus need to be relooked into, such as in a situation where a patient meets most of the criteria stated but comes from a broken family and has a family member who is able but refuse to pay for the patients medical bill, he may then be unable to benefit from the Medifund. In such an instance, further implications and repercussions to the patients psycho logical and physical health may worsen his existing medical condition. Not only will his medical bill continue to snowball, his physical health problems may continue to deteriorate as well. Indeed, Singapores strategies in managing rising health care costs through its present healthcare system seem comprehensive and complete. However, there are still some areas that Singapore would need to relook and focus on in order that the strategies would be effective for its population. With the known fact that change is the only constant, a review system would thus need to be in place to improve strategies implemented to manage rising health care costs effectively. A recommended approach for Singapore to review and implement more wholesome, comprehensive and effective strategies to managing rising health care costs may be that of implementing differential healthcare financing schemes that would assist the various socio-economic segments of its population. Secondly, as rising health care costs due to inflation has yet to be tackled by its current strategies, Singapore may need to review its employment assistance and salary compensation strategies to better assist its population in managing rising health care costs, such as ensuring its population who are unemployed to be able to seek employment or reemployment within a short time frame as well as ensuring that the salary compensation for each occupation or profession would be appropriately accorded based on skills, abilities, experience, performance as well as inflation. Conclusion The Singapore government should not micromanage the issue of rising healthcare costs by superficially managing direct influence on rising healthcare costs. The need to prepare its population to accept the change to an ageing population society is crucial in ensuring that every individual is responsible for the
Monday, August 19, 2019
How Mary Shelley Presents the Monster in Frankenstein Essay -- Mary Sh
How Mary Shelley Presents the Monster in Frankenstein Throughout my essay, I am going to explain and show the ways and techniques that Mary Shelley uses to present the monster through the novel. I will also describe how wee feel about the monster at various stages in the novel, and how our views and understanding of him may have changed. I will begin with a brief introduction to Mary Shelley herself, and how she was brought up, as I think this has had a big influence on her writing in 'Frankenstein'. Mary Shelley was brought up by her father since the age of around just ten days old. Her mother died just shortly after giving birth to Mary. I believe Mary Shelley blamed herself for her mothers death, and writing 'Frankenstein' was her way of letting out and incorporating her misery and hate through the characters in the book. I think that she is referring to herself as the monster because he only had a father, and although I think Mary's father did love her, she was still missing something and I think she felt like she wanted to be loved. The novel is set in Geneva, Switzerland which is a very desolate and isolated country. This gives the feel of loneliness and makes the novel slightly more frightening knowing it is set in a lonely, mountainous area in the middle of nowhere. Mary Shelley tells us the story of how Victor Frankenstein became interested in natural philosophy, electricity, chemistry and mathematics. Frankenstein left for Germany, to attend university. There, his interest in natural philosophy quickly became an obsession. He was particularly fascinated with the human body and the concept of life. After four years of fanatic studying, not keeping in contact with his family, he was able to ... ...n's friend and dislikes the monster for murdering Frankenstein's wife and brother, he also pity's him because he has not been brought up to learn right or wrong, so he thinks that its not his fault. The use of three points of view is very effective because it really helps you to decide your own point of view for yourself. To conclude my essay, I think that Mary Shelley has been very clever in her use of emotive language especially. I think she really shows us how the monster is feeling at all time during the novel, and this shows us his true character. I think our views change of him throughout the novel, but we will always have the slight sense of feeling sorry for him more than anything, even though he does murder. It was never his fault that he was hated and rejected and I think that's why we have such a strong feeling of understanding towards him.
Sunday, August 18, 2019
Famous People :: essays papers
Famous People In 1999 Ricky Martinââ¬â¢s debut album hit number one on the Billboard Top 100 charts and also surpassed his other CD sales by selling almost 661,000 copies of his first English language album. That same year two major publishers printed biographies on him. (Griffiths, john 1of 5) Since his Grammy debut in 1999 he seems to have found success in every aspect of his career except in his personal life. Even with all the success he has reaped he unfortunately still suffers from the inability to keep a lasting partner in his life. This problem is seen through interpreting his music, where he expresses his loneliness and feelings about losing love. His loneliness has occurred from putting his career in front of his personal life due to his earliest obsession with having the full attention of his both his separated parents. His need for attention did not start at the beginning of the divorce though, in contrary he received even more attention then normal because both his parents wanted to see him be as happy as possible. With his parents not communicating to each other regularly he was able to get things from one parent that the other previously disapproved of. (Furman 5-7) One of the things he convinced his parents to let him do was acting. While watching other actors on TV he wished that he would one day do the same. He decided at the age of five that he wanted to entertain and his father supported him all the way. For his Father, seeing him perform in school plays and sing in his church choir only proved that letting his son act was the most reasonable thing to do. (Celebrating Hispanic Culture 1 of 4) ââ¬Å"For Ricky being on-stage was synonymous with being loved. It was like having an even bigger family to adore and admire his every move and gesture.â⬠(Furman 7) But soon Rickyââ¬â¢s new and improved ââ¬Å"biggerâ⬠family would become a littler bit smaller. A short while after his acting pursuit began both his parents remarried and five new stepbrothers and sisters followed. Since losing most of his parents full attention he dreamt day and night about being a huge star so that, once again, he could just not get the attention of his parents but also of the adoring public all around the world. (Furman 8-9) He didnââ¬â¢t know that the public adoration was just around the corner though.
Joseph L. Badaracco Jr.s Defining Moments: When Managers Must Choose B
Overview of main goals of the book Joseph L. Badaracco, Jr.ââ¬â¢s book, ââ¬Å"Defining Momentsâ⬠, focuses on the ethical decision making process of ââ¬Å"right versus rightâ⬠from a management standing point. In reality, ethical decision making has two types of conflicts:â⬠right versus wrongâ⬠and ââ¬Å"right versus rightâ⬠. ââ¬Å"Right versus rightâ⬠decisions are considered as the ââ¬Å"greyâ⬠areas of ethical decision making. Badaracco saw the need to focus on it as ââ¬Å"right versus rightâ⬠decisions play a large role in ethical decision making for managers in real ââ¬âlife. To do so, he written ââ¬Å"Defining Momentsâ⬠as a way of showing the significance of ââ¬Å"right versus rightâ⬠decisions, their effect on decision making, and methods on resolve the dilemma posed by ââ¬Å"right versus rightâ⬠. Badaracco mention that ââ¬Å"right versus right problems typically involve choices between two or more courses of action, each of which is a comp licated bundle of ethical responsibilities, personal commitments, moral hazards, and practical pressures and constraintsâ⬠(Badaracco, 6). It is considered a distressful and difficult moment for managers as they have to juggle between their personal values and the expectations of others. It is also what Badaracco interprets as ââ¬Å"defining momentsâ⬠. Badaraccoââ¬â¢s book follows the accounts of Steve Lewis, Peter Adario, and Edouard Sakiz, three different managers, as they encountered their ââ¬Å"right versus rightâ⬠dilemmas. He uses those scenarios as examples to guide the process of resolving right versus right dilemmas. With the insights and knowledge gained from moral philosophers, Badaracco constructed a realistic framework focusing on the method of knowing oneââ¬â¢s own values and questioning how big of a role the values play in oneââ¬â¢s life as the fundamental ste... ...hem get bearings, stay their courses, and bind their daily work to larger ends and purposes"(Badaracco, 130). I believe that the concept has practical relevance personally and professionally. The imagined best life" concept basically incorporates the "value of looking up from the urgent tasks of the moment and placing them in the larger context of the life" (Badaracco, 129) with considering what is at stake. It allows us to look at the goal we set and think of the things that would lead us there. By doing so, we could understand the values and stakes that we needed to be achieved. It is significant for people as they sometimes get bogged down by what is occurring at the present and neglecting the impact it has in the future. Works Cited Badaracco, J. . Defining moments, when managers must choose between right and right. Harvard Business Press, print.
Saturday, August 17, 2019
5 Benefits of Facebook
ââ¬âââ¬âââ¬âââ¬âââ¬âââ¬âââ¬âââ¬âââ¬âââ¬âââ¬âââ¬âââ¬âââ¬âââ¬âââ¬â- 5 Great Benefits of Facebook Fan Pages for Local and Small Businesses Small and Local businesses are discovering the advantages of having a Facebook fan page and are beginning to learn the secrets to attracting new customers and website visitors with simple tricks that are classified as affordable and easy. With some effort, your great plan or product can be become a fan favorite on Facebook! We often hear the old adage, Itââ¬â¢s an amazingly small world when coincidences occur or common acquaintances are discovered.With the growing rise in popularity of Facebook, the entire world seems even smaller in recent times, simply because this popular social network connects people around the world, building a global community of shared connections and interests that knows no cultural boundary. Facebook allows users to connect not just with old friends, however with people all over the world who share their interests and passions on fan pages created for them. These fan pages are fundamental to Facebookââ¬â¢s popularity and incorporating one into your marketing plan might just be your ticket to success.With just a few clicks of the mouse, youà can create a Facebook fan page to advertise your product, interest or passion. Without any effort or expense by you, Facebookââ¬â¢s search feature will yield your fan page as being a search outcome and those who share your interest will soon find you. To help get more website visitors to your fan page without any cost, you can spread the concept about your latest page to all your current client database and Facebook connections.Considering that the average Facebook user has 130 friends, there exists nearly endless potential for attracting new individuals to your page simply by reaching over to those you already know and asking them to assist you in making connections. Naturally, you also wi ll want to be sure to promote your fan page on your website, and vice versa. Proven Benefits of Facebook Fan Pages: 1. Attract more traffic to your site through fan page links- People who find you on Facebook will probably be interested enough into your product or service to click on a link that will take them directly to your website. 2.Effortless income potential- Through Facebookââ¬â¢s innovative advertising options, you can make an income by targeting certain demographics and like-minded potential customers for a very low cost. 3. Easier search engine optimization- A Facebook fan page does more than heighten your exposure within a social network; a fan page raises the odds of your name being found quicker on search engines, like Google. 4. Increased customer loyalty- Current customers who follow your Facebook fan page will develop an individual connection to your product or service, particularly if you are diligent about feedback and responses with their posts.Fan pages offer fans chances to post pictures, provide product reviews and with loyal fans to post feedback and comments that may possibly attract others and provide you with priceless insight into the wants and also needs of your projected audience. 5. Get to know your customers- With Facebookââ¬â¢s detailed analytics, you will get entry to valuable specifics about people who follow your fan page, such as their gender, age and also place. Gaining a more rewarding knowledge of the demographics of your respective group of followers can help you more effectively reach particular people with targeted, customizable advertising.Facebook is fast becoming the most popular element that links people from around the world. As friends connect on Facebook, they naturally share information about products and services they normally use and love. That is where a Facebook fan page and its great potential for business owners enters into play. Increasing your global exposure with a fan page for your product or s ervice provides a simple means for people to hook up with you and tell their friends about you.The great thing about a Facebook fan page is the benefits that are available to even the smallest business and it also takes simply passion and purpose to attract fans and initiate to reap all of the benefits Facebook fan pages have to offer. Business owners worldwide depend on Facebook experts for a bunch of their Facebook fan page needs, from Facebook marketing suggestions to information about how to monetize Facebook. Visit us online or call us at 206. 350. 3504 to learn more about the proven advantages of Facebook fan pages and how to use them to get results for your business. ââ¬âââ¬âââ¬âââ¬âââ¬âââ¬âââ¬âââ¬âââ¬âââ¬âââ¬âââ¬âââ¬âââ¬âââ¬âââ¬â-Facebook Business Basics (Lesson 1): Facebook Status Updates and How They Work So That You Can Better Understand How to Use Them to Your Advantage October 19, 2011 byà Lisa Santosà à ·Ã Leave a Comment 1 Welcome to the first lesson in the Facebook Business Basics Crash Course. Over the next few weekly posts you will receive several lessons that will help you learn a few basic ways that you can build your business and increase your profits with Facebook . In this first lesson letââ¬â¢s talk a little about Facebook status updates and how they work so that you can better understand how to use Facebook to your advantage.Because there are so many social network terms out there, letââ¬â¢s start this lesson by distinguishing early on what a Facebook status actually is. A Facebook status is a post that appears for your contacts to read. Whereas before, Facebook statuses were immediately broadcast for everyone, now there are plenty of privacy settings to protect the person by letting them choose who can actually read their messages. You can also interact through your Facebook status. Friends and other contacts are allowed to comment on the Facebook status or s imply Like the status. Recently, Facebook has added a tagging feature to Facebook statuses.Put @ in the beginning and you are allowed to tag as many as 6 people in a post. Friends and contacts that are tagged will be notified in the same way that they are also notified when somebody else or the status owner has replied a status heà commented on. How are Facebook statuses important for professionals, you may ask? Well, Facebook statuses are what many consider as the very essence of Facebook. Here, customers, potential customers and other interested parties can interact on a particular piece of information in a casual manner that is way more convenient and conversational than email or even Twitter actually will.With Facebook statuses also, almost everyone can join in the conversation (that is if you want them to) which makes for a casual promotion of your product, service or company. The Facebook status is a powerful part of using Facebook for your business. The number of Likes and comments for every Facebook status will help your page climb up in its search engine position. Facebook statuses can also help you with branding efforts. For your Facebook marketing to be successful it is important that you monitor your page carefully, that you keep your status posts enthusiastic and professional at the same time.While itââ¬â¢s tempting to place something instantly catching, hilarious or even shocking, you need to ask yourself first whether this will help the business reputation in the long run or will it just server as temporary entertainment? It is important to optimize Facebook statuses in order to make them more searchable for potential customers. A good feature to use is Facebook status tagging. What makes this so advantageous for business owners is that when you tag affiliated companies in the post, it will also appear on their page. Therefore exposing your company to customers who may be looking at a related site.You can also do this with community pages. When you tag a community page, you will gain access to millions of potential customers who may have the same interests as your business. While itââ¬â¢s important to organize your Facebook status updates, it isnââ¬â¢t recommended that you leave all the work to organizing sites like Hootsuite. Checking through a Profile or Fan Page that are dominated by RSS Feeds is a turnoff for most potential customers. Clients want to feel like theyââ¬â¢re interacting with a real person in the company, so be mindful of interaction.We have a lot to go over in the next few days if you want to learn how to use Facebook for your business, so make sure you look for your next lesson soon. We will be talking about how you can use Facebook to attract new customers. ââ¬âââ¬âââ¬âââ¬âââ¬âââ¬âââ¬âââ¬âââ¬âââ¬âââ¬âââ¬âââ¬âââ¬âââ¬âââ¬â- ââ¬âââ¬âââ¬âââ¬âââ¬âââ¬âââ¬âââ¬âââ¬âââ¬âââ¬âââ¬âââ¬âà ¢â¬âââ¬âââ¬â- ââ¬âââ¬âââ¬âââ¬âââ¬âââ¬âââ¬âââ¬âââ¬âââ¬âââ¬âââ¬âââ¬âââ¬âââ¬âââ¬â- ââ¬âââ¬âââ¬âââ¬âââ¬âââ¬âââ¬âââ¬âââ¬âââ¬âââ¬âââ¬âââ¬âââ¬âââ¬âââ¬â- Facebook Business Basics (Lesson 2): How To Use Facebook to Attract New Customers 0 Itââ¬â¢s time for your second lesson in the Facebook Business Basics Crash Course.I hope you found lesson one informative and that you now have a good understanding of how Facebook statuses work to your advantage. In this lesson we are going to talk about how you can use Facebook to attract new customers. Some business owners ask, why is it important to establish online presence through social networking sites particularly Facebook even when if you already have an official website? Simple, because Facebook is more accessible and to most, more user-friendly than any traditional website will ever be.It gives a sense of friendliness to business that puts prospects at ease and lends a sense of credibility to businesses who have no website to speak of. Aside from this, a Facebook page allows a business to be more interactive with present and potential customers, getting their feedback for everything from product reviews to testimonials. While it may seem scary because you can be given both positive and negative feedback, businesses should not be afraid because with Facebook it can be easily moderated. If you have a mind to you can retain the best feedback and hide the rest.This way, most potential customers will be able to read the positive testimonials of previous customers. Such feedback adds a touch of authenticity to your business, and can entice the potential customer reading it. Furthermore, customers who are tired of traditional online marketing such as email, newsletters and online ads will look to the Facebook page to have their questions answered. Having a Facebook page will give your busin ess access to over 500 Million users without even having to buy e-mail addresses like what traditional email marketing resort to.Interaction isnââ¬â¢t limited to Facebook updates and wall posts though. You can also use Apps to provide photos, notes and videos. When using a Fanpage which is the recommended page for businesses (instead of the more personal profile page), you can change the posting ability of fans which allow them to post photos, videos and links to the page. This way, potential customers will be able to see how other customers use the product or service. Again, this can engage the community to be more interactive as was successfully executed by the Pampersââ¬â¢ Facebook Fanpage.Other companies like Ben & Jerryââ¬â¢s go as far as polling customers. This gives customers a sense of power with regards to their products, which in turn will give them a sense of ownership and acceptance. Facebook is also a great tool to gain audience to promos, special prices and di scounts as in the case of the company rushIMPRINT, who use their page to feature their products for sale. The site easily leads back to their official website as well as their toll free number. Some even use Facebook to give exclusive deals to their customers. This is a good way to gauge the effectively of your page.Various incentives can be given exclusively to Facebook users which arenââ¬â¢t accessible by those who follow you through e-mail, Twitter or your official website. Other companies such as Baskin Robbins develop and use a Facebook application to make their Facebook page more interactive and enticing to customers. Through their account, theyââ¬â¢re giving out a very enticing deal, a Buy One, get one promo that most enthusiasts will not surpass. Facebook is an easy tool to master and can add just the right sense of fun, differentiating you and your business from the rest in the market. Thatââ¬â¢s it for todayââ¬â¢s lesson.In your next lesson we will be talking a bout how to use Facebook to advertise your business without spamming. ââ¬âââ¬âââ¬âââ¬âââ¬âââ¬âââ¬âââ¬âââ¬âââ¬âââ¬âââ¬âââ¬âââ¬âââ¬âââ¬â- Facebook Business Basics (Lesson 3): How You Can Use Facebook to Advertise Your Business Without Spamming November 18, 2011 byà Lisa Santosà à ·Ã Leave a Comment 0 Itââ¬â¢s time for your third lesson in the Facebook Business Basics Crash Course. Today letââ¬â¢s talk about how you can use Facebook to advertise your business without spamming. Using Facebook as the means for free advertising is probably one of the wisest moves any business person can make in this competitive marketing age.As we have been discussing Facebook offers plenty of opportunities for the business owners to launch develop and grow through its influential social network. Through Facebook, you can actually choose who to target just as easily as a paid system such as Google Ads does. Through Facebook, you can choose the location, interests, relationship status, gender, age and location of your target market. What a convenient way to start your marketing strategy online! The best part is that it can actually be free if you want it to be. Facebook gives you the option of running free or paid promotions.The paid aspect is through Facebookââ¬â¢s formal ads. Now, how do you run free promotions? Why, through your personal network, of course, or through your fan page. If youââ¬â¢re launching a product, service or brand, it is recommended to have a formal fan page. Nevertheless, personal connections such as friends, friends of friends, acquaintances and relatives will help greatly in building your business social network. Wall updates, photos, notes, group discussions and basically any other posts will help the product or service stay top-of-mind.As I mentioned in your last lesson, prospective customers want companies to have enthusiastic and informative updates. Tip: Donââ¬â¢t make the mistake of barraging your customers or potential customers with too many Facebook updates at one time, or worse, continuously flood their Facebook walls with the same message placed several times. Spamming is annoying no matter who does it, so take care that you avoid doing that to your friends and fans. The best way to avoid spamming others, however intentional or unintentional, is to choose your target market well.Nobody wants to receive a wall post that is a generic message of a product theyââ¬â¢re not even interested in. You can control who sees your message by researching the personââ¬â¢s likes or dislikes which may be apparent in their profile page or you may also ask from a personal contact. You can even check out organizations or groups that they are affiliated with online which are related to your business or industry. Another way to place a wall post in that isnââ¬â¢t tantamount to spamming is to place it like a personal message. The less generic the message is,à the better.You may start with something like, ââ¬ËHi. I just saw from your profile that you like Ice Cream and I though you may be interested in a free sample of our Homemade Ice Cream. ââ¬â¢ If this strategy is a bit too forward for you, then work on making Facebook applications that can insert advertisements into them or better yet, try Social Ads. Demographically speaking, these two are more effective and less time consuming than having to analyze your customers one by one. Thatââ¬â¢s it for todayââ¬â¢s lesson. In your next lesson we will talk about using Facebook and Twitter together for your business. u are here:à Homeà / Advertising ââ¬âââ¬âââ¬âââ¬âââ¬âââ¬âââ¬âââ¬âââ¬âââ¬âââ¬âââ¬âââ¬âââ¬âââ¬âââ¬â- Facbook Advertising for Local Business: 5 Benefits You Can Receive From It November 3, 2012 byà Lisa Santosà à ·Ã Leave a Comment Facebook Advertising Local Business Youââ¬â¢ve probably read this a million times, but one of the best things you can do to boost your businessââ¬â¢ online performance is to participate in the world of social media. And what HOT social media platform do you know that can help you with that? Facebook of course! =) Facebook is your best avenue to start on this journey of advertising.It offers a lot of features that are especially helpful forà local businessà owners like yourself. If you arenââ¬â¢t making use ofà Facebook advertisingà and timeline pages (aka fan pages), then you should be, no matter how small or localized your business is. Here are five benefits forà local businessà fromà Facebook advertising: ââ¬âââ¬âââ¬âââ¬âââ¬âââ¬âââ¬âââ¬âââ¬âââ¬âââ¬âââ¬âââ¬âââ¬âââ¬âââ¬â- 1) Highly targeted marketing ââ¬â Facebook Advertising Local Business One of the best things about Facebook ads is that you can specify exactly who you want to view your ads, based o n things like age, interests, and geographic location.For example, if you run a mobile salon business, you may opt to target your ads to women in your area who have expressed an interest in beauty, hair care, fashion, and salons. ââ¬âââ¬âââ¬âââ¬âââ¬âââ¬âââ¬âââ¬âââ¬âââ¬âââ¬âââ¬âââ¬âââ¬âââ¬âââ¬â- 2) The Snowball Effect ââ¬â Facebook Advertising Local Business Basically, any time someone clicks on your ad and lands on your page, they have the option of ââ¬Å"likingâ⬠your page if they are pleased with what they find. Any time someone likes your page, that activity shows up in that personââ¬â¢s newsfeed.This means that all of that personââ¬â¢s friends are exposed to your page and have the option of liking it themselves. Facebook ads are a great way to attract attention to your page and gain fans on an exponential level. ââ¬âââ¬âââ¬âââ¬âââ¬âââ¬âââ¬âââ¬âââ¬âââ¬âââ¬âà ¢â¬âââ¬âââ¬âââ¬âââ¬â- 3) Broader Reach ââ¬â Facebook Advertising Local Business The numbers donââ¬â¢t lie: Facebook is the worldââ¬â¢s highest ranking website, and is viewed on a global scale. You may have a small local business, but there is no question that if you sell a product, your business could benefit greatly from having a broader reach. ) Smart Phone Users ââ¬â Facebook Advertising Local Business Most people these days access the web from their smart phones on a regular basis. By using Facebook advertising, you are making your presence known to local smart phone users who only search for businesses while on the go. 5) Customization ââ¬â Facebook Advertising Local Business In addition to the previously mentioned targeting, Facebook ads also allow for a lot of flexibility when it comes to customizing ads to your liking, especially when compared to Google ads (a very common advertising platform that you are likely already using).For example , the ability to have longer descriptive text and the ability to add images allows you create ads that best suit your needs and marketing goals. To make the most of your social media marketing, contact the professionals. We atà LS Virtual Assistant Servicesà can help take your Internet presence to the next level. Contact us by phone, at 757-204-5782, orà contact here. Filed underà Advertising,à Facebook,à Facebook Marketingà à · Tagged withà facebook ads,à facebook advertising,à facebook advertising local business,à Local Business ââ¬âââ¬âââ¬âââ¬âââ¬âââ¬âââ¬âââ¬âââ¬âââ¬âââ¬âââ¬âââ¬âââ¬âââ¬âââ¬â- Ways to Boost Up Your Facebook Fan Activity October 26, 2012 byà Lisa Santosà à ·Ã Leave a Comment Got a fan page for your business but itââ¬â¢s lifeless? Well, itââ¬â¢s time to shake things up on your fan page. With the popularity of social media sites like Facebook, there is a new way to mar ket: itââ¬â¢s interactive. You no longer have to figure out creative ways to relay messages that will somehow get peoplesââ¬â¢ attention, and then sit back and hope itââ¬â¢s working. By marketing through social media sites like Facebook, you get to hear your customersââ¬â¢ reactions first-hand, and can tweak your marketing efforts accordingly.In my post today, Iââ¬â¢m going to cover 5 ways you can wake up your fans and get them interacting on your fan page. Here we goâ⬠¦ The first way is byà interacting on other fan pages. Why is this important? Because you want to build credibility on Facebook and in order to do that you need to be an active participant on other fan pages related to your niche or business. Simply get involved in serious discussions, post useful bits of information, or even show your support for the page and people will reciprocate by participating more on your fan page.The second way is throughà interactive type Apps. There are numerous apps on Facebook that are helpful in building up your fan page activitiy. An example of one is the ââ¬Å"Fan of the Weekâ⬠app which actually keeps track of your fansââ¬â¢ participation and acknowleges your top fan of each week. People love being recognized and this app will surely encourage your fans to keep hanging out on your fan page more often. The third way is very simple. Be GENUINE! Make your communication human and not like a robot. Be yourself. Interact on a personal level with your fans and they will respond.The fourth way is throughà Fan Page partnerships. Get with other fan page owners and promote each otherââ¬â¢s fan pages. You can promote other fan pages by sharing their pictures and posts, and by linking to their pages from your own page. And finally, another way, is byà having a contest. Create a contest of some sort and provide your fans with a chance to win a prize, based on their participation. You can set it up any way you like. It can be anything lik e a photo contest or answering a silly question and then advertise the prize and the deadline date.As you can see, there are some very simple ways you can take action on to increase your Facebook fan activity. If you want to get the most out of your social media marketing, contact the professionals. We at LS Virtual Assistant Services can be reached by phone, at (757)204-5782, or reach us on ourà contact form. Filed underà Facebook,à Facebook Fan Pages,à Facebook Marketingà à · Tagged withà faccebook activity,à facebook fan page activity,à increase fanpage activity ââ¬âââ¬âââ¬âââ¬âââ¬âââ¬âââ¬âââ¬âââ¬âââ¬âââ¬âââ¬âââ¬âââ¬âââ¬âââ¬â- How to Make Your Facebook Timeline Posts Stand Out May 1, 2012 byà Lisa Santosà à ·Ã Leave a CommentIt seems that the new Facebook format, Timeline, really has people in arms. But donââ¬â¢t people always complain any time Facebook makes format changes? The truth is, F acebook Timeline has some great new features that truly broaden the Facebook user experience . . . and Timeline is not going anywhere. As of today, Facebook users will have no choice but to learn and adapt to Timeline since most all profiles have been converted. One great thing you can do with your Timeline is to make your most important posts (of your choosing, of course) stand out amongst the rest of your posts.How do you accomplish this? Read on for step by step instructions: Timeline Highlight. The new feature that allows you showcase any and every post you want to call special attention to is called ââ¬Å"Highlight. â⬠à Highlight is super easy to access and use, as you will see in this breakdown. (Side note: the Highlight feature applies to Facebook fan pages only. The same feature is actually called ââ¬Å"Featureâ⬠on standard profile pages. However, both Highlight and Feature work the same way. ) How does Timeline ââ¬Å"highlightâ⬠your posts? Basically, when you choose a post to highlight, that post is xpanded to the full width of your screen (or the full width of the Timeline, that is). Where is the Highlight feature? This is easy. Simply hover your mouse around the upper right hand corner of your post and two buttons will appear: a star and a pencil. The star is your Highlight button. The highlighting process. Click on the star. Yes, thatââ¬â¢s it. If you make a mistake and highlight the wrong post, or if you have a change of heart and decide that a post you highlighted is unworthy, simply click the Highlight star again to remove the highlighting.What can you highlight? Anything you post on Facebook may be highlighted. This means status updates, photos, videos, Timeline events, and much more. As a matter of fact, you may use Highlight to customize the look of your page in any way you like; for example, you may opt to highlight every one of your posts if you prefer that your page fans have a large, simplified view of everything you post. Facebookââ¬â¢s new Highlight feature can be a powerful marketing tool, if you know how to use it. To make the most of your social media marketing, contact the professionals.We at LS Virtual Assistant Services can help take your Internet presence to the next level. Contact us by phone, at 757-204-5782, or use ourà contact formà here. Filed underà Facebook,à Facebook Marketing,à Facebook Timelineà à · Tagged withà facebook timeline,à facebook timeline highlight feature,à highlight posts in facebook,à powerful marketing tool,à social media marketing ââ¬âââ¬âââ¬âââ¬âââ¬âââ¬âââ¬âââ¬âââ¬âââ¬âââ¬âââ¬âââ¬âââ¬âââ¬âââ¬â- The Importance of Using Customized Facebook Pages that are Built to Capture Leads February 7, 2012 byà Lisa Santosà à ·Ã Leave a CommentMost business owners understand that fresh leads ultimately means more business. Therefore, having a powerful, steady stream of lead p ouring into your business is not an option ââ¬â itââ¬â¢s a must. One way to accomplish this is with a customized Facebook Fan page that is built to specifically capture leads. Iââ¬â¢m sure youââ¬â¢re heard of Facebookâ⬠¦ Yes, that site that currently has over 750 BILLION users? Thatââ¬â¢s it. Any smart business knows they need to have a strong presence on Facebook if they want to continue to grow and prosper. How does a lead capture Fan page work?Letââ¬â¢s say a business prospect lands on your lead capture Fan page because itââ¬â¢s clean, attractive, and professional-looking. They get just enough information to pique their interest so they decide to take your free offer in exchange for their email address. They now want to know more about you and decide to venture over to your website to get even more informationâ⬠¦ Not only that, but now that you have their email address, you can start communicating with them on a regular basis and work on converting t hem into a customer. Can you see how this process can end up giving you an endless stream of new leads?Ensure that your business is on the front lines. A sleek, real-time and inspirational Fan page will draw in customers who did not know they needed what you have to offer. Put your advertising dollars in the right place. As a savvy business owner, harness the energy of social media fans who will ââ¬Å"likeâ⬠your business. When you customize your Fan page, whether you are a small business, non-profit or service industry, your web presence and reputation will catapult your bottom line to high profits and product longevity. Nothing motivates people more than liking what their friends like.When you use customized Fan pages to capture leads through social marketing, your business is sure to be a winner. Filed underà Facebook,à Facebook Fan Pages,à Facebook Marketingà à · Tagged withà customized fan pages,à facebook fan pages,à facebook pages,à lead capture fan pag es,à lead capture pages ââ¬âââ¬âââ¬âââ¬âââ¬âââ¬âââ¬âââ¬âââ¬âââ¬âââ¬âââ¬âââ¬âââ¬âââ¬âââ¬â- Facebook: The Real Power Of ââ¬Å"People See ââ¬â People Doâ⬠January 24, 2012 byà Lisa Santosà à ·Ã Leave a Comment In case you havenââ¬â¢t noticed, just about everyone is online these days doing a thousand different things.From paying bills, to arranging travel, to shopping for a new home, people spend a LOT of time online. People are even using the Internet more than ever to keep in touch with family, friends, and co-workers. Not only do they keep in touch with each other, but they recommend products and services that they like. For instance, when one person ââ¬Å"likesâ⬠a product or service, they let other people know about it and they, in turn, ââ¬Å"likeâ⬠the product or service too. On Facebook, businesses build followers by getting them to ââ¬Å"Likeâ⬠their Facebook Fan pages. Imagi ne omeone being in love with your product or serviceâ⬠¦ so they tell everyone they know. Then, they come to your Fan page and ââ¬Å"Likeâ⬠you and now they get all of your promotions and become loyal customers. The process becomes viral and continues to go on and onâ⬠¦ Business owners are becoming aware that they also need to be online in a major way to capitalize on social network usage amongst consumers. It is a fact that your business success strongly relies on a solid, reputable online existence. If you do not have a customized landing page you are actually losing out on business.Your gross income is probably sagging if you are a small business owner without an online fan base or ability to capture leads. Imagine how much traffic you can send to your website if you provide surveys for your customers about that new product you want to launch? Not only will you get real-time data for market analysis, but your customers will be delighted and relieved to know they can find you, their friend, online 24/7. If you really want to effectively allocate your marketing and advertising dollars wisely, get a Fan page setup and start a viral explosion amongst your satisfied customers.
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